It premiered on on April 5, 2009, and aired until December 23, 2012., which licensed and produced English adaptations of the original anime series, also localized the four seasons of Metal Saga. Contents.Plot The series follows the adventures of Gingka Hagane, a beyblader who is searching for his hidden past while trying to defeat the evil Dark Nebula organization and Ryuga, a man with the Legendary Bey known as Lightning L-Drago.The plot varies between the manga and anime with several differences. One notable difference is that in the manga, the Beys transform for their upgrades, while in the anime, the characters just switch parts or get an entirely new Bey. Another difference is that, in the manga, the characters started with the Metal System (4-piece top), while in the anime they started with the Hybrid Wheel System (5-piece top).Season 1: Metal Fusion The series stars Gingka Hagane, a talented blader traveling all around Japan to get stronger so he can defeat the Dark Nebula, an evil organization who is also responsible for the supposed death of Gingka's father, Ryo Hagane. Gingka aims to recover the forbidden bey, Lightning L-Drago, which has been stolen by the Dark Nebula to use its powers to fulfill their wicked ambitions. Along with his bey, Storm Pegasus, Gingka must face and defeat many foes.
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